The world is a small place, and Powder Brows are popular everywhere!
“Thanks to, I talk about little details that could be done better in powder brows to students from the most exciting places all over the world practically every day. ”
I still recall how, in 2015, I personally knew all my students because I had met them in real life. Now, in 2023, the situation is pretty much different, thanks to the cooperation with
Practically every day, I talk about little details that could be done better in powder brows to students from the most exciting places. In addition to lots of students from New York, Los Angeles , London, multiple places in Finland , and other "usual subjects," it has been my absolute pleasure to help just super and very, very talented artists from the following places:
Winnipeg and Calgary (Canada)
Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Vienna (Austria)
Dublin (Ireland):
Jaipur (India)
Melbourne and Canberra (Australia)
Durban (South Africa)
Cairo (Egypt)
Quezon City (Philippines)
Moscow, Volgograd, Gatchina, St Petersburg (Russia)
Tabuk (Saudi Arabia)
Roudnice nad Labem (Czech Republic)
Leidschendam (Netherlands)
Guadalajara (Mexico)
Dayrah (United Arab Emirates)
and even Israel
The only thing I wish is that I could speak more languages and there were fewer time-zone differences in the world I love all my students very much and always do my best to help you no matter where you are - the world is a tiny place, and Powder Brows is the number one trend in the world! I thank you all!
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