Soft Powder Brows - Great brows perpetually!
“Clients often ask if powder brows can be perpetually retouched without turning bluish, grayish, or reddish. Regarding our Soft Powder Brows, the answer is: “yes.” Here are just some tips that help to achieve that.”
When getting the brows, clients often ask if those can be perpetually retouched without turning bluish, grayish, or reddish. Regarding our Soft Powder Brows, the answer is: "yes." Here are just some tips that help to achieve that.
Controlled carbon implantation. The amount of carbon implanted should never exceed the amount that gets removed from the body within the interval between retouches. Just one factor that enables it is (as you might have guessed) zero implantation of hydrocarbons.
Minimal damage to collagen network. We don't plan a retouch before the collagen network regains strength. This is also the secret to pixels remaining sharp and round throughout the healing phase. Oversaturation is just half of the problem of why brows become gray and blurred; the more important part is related to problems with collagen regeneration.
True lightfastness indexes. Brows maintain a warm color and will not become gray (as with most artists) because we use adjusted lightfastness indexes of every colorant. Lightfastness info producers provide for separate colorants may look good on paper but often ignore the interaction of colorants and enhancers in concrete composition.
These are basic guidelines. For a deeper understanding, consult Holistic PMU platforms.
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